HCOA Writer’s Contest – yay I won something

This winter, the Homer Council on the Arts revived the Kenai Peninsula writing contest (I think maybe they’d stopped for a year or two?), so I entered a couple of pieces.

Put a face on it won first prize in the adult/open poetry category.

The Cat Man of Anchor Point won second prize in the adult/open fiction category.

Even more exciting is that creative writing students of mine took first prize in three other categories.

New section

I just put up a new section on off-grid projects, land, and consulting. Check it out–there’s even a sweet lot for sale if anyone’s up for an adventure.

Meditation on “Moose” Business Names

There are a lot of Alaskan business with “moose” in the name. These business moose are all strange: blue moose, cozy moose, goofy moose, loose moose, cheeky moose, and so on.
Fictional moose. I’ve never seen any moose like those.

I’d rather see businesses named after the moose we actually have:
-Hesitant Moose Lurking by the Highway (a self-help business?)
-Moose That Won’t Get Out of my Driveway (mobile auto repair)
-Mama Moose and Her Cute Babies (salon?)
-Thundering Moose Galloping by my Bedroom Window (courier/UPS)
-Moose that Kicked my Dog (animal control?)
-The Poached Moose (good restaurant name)
-The Roadkill Moose (decent restaurant name)
-Moose Browsing in the Ditch (good name for any tourist trap…bring your camera!)
-Moose That Calls in the Night While I’m on the Way to the Outhouse (massage parlor? Sorry, not interested…)
-Moose That Ate my Garden (vegetarian restaurant)
-Moose Fighting in Public (Alaska Legislature)
-Moose in the Middle of the Trail and Now I Need to Find Another Way to Get Where I’m Going (private security/bouncers)
-Worm-infested Pile of Moose Guts that Lazy Hunters Left Around the Corner from my House and Now My Dogs All Have Worms (also the Alaska Legislature?)

Which moose am I missing?

Upcoming show this Friday:

I’ll be performing at the 2nd annual “Music in the Park” event at the Nikiski Community Recreation Center Park. It begins at 6pm on Friday, July 26th. I’ll be playing as a one-man band, so don’t miss it.

New book out now

I just published a new book–a bit of non-fiction, not necessarily for everyone, but great for some: A Practical Guide to Off-grid Living in Alaska, in digital formats and paperback (177 pages).

Most formats via Smashwords.

Kindle and paperback via Amazon.

Feel free to share with anyone that might be interested! Already a #1 New Release on Amazon.

Upcoming music performances


I’m playing several shows in the near future. Here’s the info:
Friday, August 17th, 4 P.M.: Kenai Peninsula Fair (Inlet Stage)
Saturday, August 18th, 6 P.M.: Kenai Peninsula Fair (Inlet Stage)
Sunday, August 19th, 10:15 A.M.: Kenai Peninsula Fair (Ocean Stage)

Saturday, September 1st, 10 P.M.: at Kharacters in Homer (21+)

Friday, September 21st, 9 P.M.: at Alice’s in Homer

I’ll be shamelessly promoting my new album Free throughout.